Dear Hennie and Christie
Team SA’s campaign at the inaugural International Precision Rifle Federation ( IPRF) world championship went very well.
26 countries competed in the match.
The team hit the ground in France with approx. 65kgs of gear each which is no small feat to manage via plane, train and little euro rental cars. The record heat wave in France meant that the first few days were in the 35-37’C range making things tricky as the hotels had no air conditioning and getting everyone hydrated was essential.
Trying to maintain focus for such a long period in high heat is a challenge and you could see fatigue setting in for all competitors at the match by the second day, as simply carrying enough water for the day is difficult, but thankfully our team SA were no strangers to a bit of heat.
Our shooters were split into squads, and this proved a great opportunity to get to know other competitors from around the world.
The camaraderie between shooters was fantastic, easily transcending language barriers.
The event was held at a French Military base in Bitche, France.
The surrounding terrain was heavily forrested, resulting in some really challenging wind and mirage conditions! Wind was from 12 O Clock and fishtailing. On an average target size of just over 1 moa this made things interesting, especicially when it switched during a stage.
South Africa achieved the following divisional team results:
Senior Open: 1st
Ladies: 2nd
Factory: 2nd
Limited: 5th
Overall it was an incredible event and recived extensive global coverage within the shooting community. The scoring was live on the “ Ultimate Ballistics” website so supporters from around the world were able to follow in real time. We had a continuous stream of messages from our supporters back in SA!
After the prizegiving on the final day, an IPRF AGM meeting was held in order to vote on exco positions and on the host for the 2024 IPRF World Championships.
Perry De Gouveia Vice Chairman of SAPRF was appointed as Vice Chairman of the IPRF.
Four countries, including South Africa submitted proposals to host the 2024 World Championships.
South Africa and the USA made it through to the final round of voting. South Africa then beat the USA by 20 votes to 12 to be awarded the 2024 Championships.
SAPRF has allready constituted a working committee for this match. It is our intention to hold it on a facility right next to Sun City. We are planning for over 300 shooters at the event, along with supporters and families.
We believe this is a huge boost for the sport of Precision Rifle in SA, as well as having a positive effect on tourism. We have gone to great lengths to position the event and venue as family friendly, with the aim of getting competitors to bring supporters and family along and making a holiday of it.
The 2022 IPRF word championships served to take the sport of precision rifle and elevate it to an international platform, cementing the base upon which to grow what has over the past few years become the fastest growing shooting sport in the world!
South Africa, as a founder member of the IPRF has been a key driver behind the growth of the organisation, and looks forward to bringing competitors together again in 2024.
Yours Sincerely
Grant Anderson